Source code for qtorch.number

__all__ = ["Number", "FixedPoint", "BlockFloatingPoint", "FloatingPoint"]

class Number:
    def __init__(self):

    def __str__(self):
        raise NotImplemented

[docs]class FixedPoint(Number): r""" Low-Precision Fixed Point Format. Defined similarly in *Deep Learning with Limited Numerical Precision* ( The representable range is :math:`[-2^{wl-fl-1}, 2^{wl-fl-1}-2^{-fl}]` and a precision unit (smallest nonzero absolute value) is :math:`2^{-fl}`. Numbers outside of the representable range can be clamped (if `clamp` is true). We can also give up the smallest representable number to make the range symmetric, :math:`[-2^{wl-fl-1}^{-fl}, 2^{wl-fl-1}-2^{-fl}]`. (if `symmetric` is true). Define :math:`\lfloor x \rfloor` to be the largest representable number (multiples of :math:`2^{-fl}`) smaller than :math:`x`. For numbers within the representable range, fixed point quantizatio corresponds to .. math:: NearestRound(x) = \Biggl \lbrace { \lfloor x \rfloor, \text{ if } \lfloor x \rfloor \leq x \leq \lfloor x \rfloor + 2^{-fl-1} \atop \lfloor x \rfloor + 2^{-fl}, \text{ if } \lfloor x \rfloor + 2^{-fl-1} < x \leq \lfloor x \rfloor + 2^{-fl} } or .. math:: StochasticRound(x) = \Biggl \lbrace { \lfloor x \rfloor, \text{ with probabilty } 1 - \frac{x - \lfloor x \rfloor}{2^{-fl}} \atop \lfloor x \rfloor + 2^{-fl}, \text{ with probabilty } \frac{x - \lfloor x \rfloor}{2^{-fl}} } Args: - :attr: wl (int) : word length of each fixed point number - :attr: fl (int) : fractional length of each fixed point number - :attr: clamp (bool) : whether to clamp unrepresentable numbers - :attr: symmetric (bool) : whether to make the representable range symmetric """ def __init__(self, wl, fl, clamp=True, symmetric=False): assert wl > 0, "invalid bits for word length: {}".format(wl) assert fl > 0, "invalid bits for fractional length: {}".format(fl) assert type(symmetric) == bool, "invalid type for clamping choice: {}".format( type(clamp) ) assert type(symmetric) == bool, "invalid type for symmetric: {}".format( type(symmetric) ) self.wl = wl self.fl = fl self.clamp = clamp self.symmetric = symmetric def __str__(self): return "FixedPoint (wl={:d}, fl={:d})".format(self.wl, self.fl) def __repr__(self): return "FixedPoint (wl={:d}, fl={:d})".format(self.wl, self.fl)
[docs]class FloatingPoint(Number): """ Low-Precision Floating Point Format. We set the exponent bias to be :math:`2^{exp-1}`. In our simulation, we do not handle denormal/subnormal numbers and infinities/NaNs. For rounding mode, we apply *round to nearest even*. Args: - :attr: `exp`: number of bits allocated for exponent - :attr: `man`: number of bits allocated for mantissa, referring to number of bits that are supposed to be stored on hardware (not counting the virtual bits). """ def __init__(self, exp, man): assert 8 >= exp > 0, "invalid bits for exponent:{}".format(exp) assert 23 >= man > 0, "invalid bits for mantissa:{}".format(man) self.exp = exp = man def __str__(self): return "FloatingPoint (exponent={:d}, mantissa={:d})".format(self.exp, def __repr__(self): return "FloatingPoint (exponent={:d}, mantissa={:d})".format(self.exp,
[docs]class BlockFloatingPoint(Number): """ Low-Precision Block Floating Point Format. BlockFloatingPoint shares an exponent across a block of numbers. The shared exponent is chosen from the largest magnitude in the block. Args: - :attr: `wl` word length of the tensor - :attr: `dim` block dimension to share exponent. (*, D, *) Tensor where D is at position `dim` will have D different exponents; use -1 if the entire tensor is treated as a single block (there is only 1 shared exponent). """ def __init__(self, wl, dim=-1): assert wl > 0 and isinstance(wl, int), "invalid bits for word length:{}".format( wl ) assert dim >= -1 and isinstance(dim, int), "invalid dimension" self.wl = wl self.dim = dim def __str__(self): return "BlockFloatingPoint (wl={:d}, dim={:d})".format(self.wl, self.dim) def __repr__(self): return "BlockFloatingPoint (wl={:d}, dim={:d})".format(self.wl, self.dim)